A 2mm thick powder-coated steelheatshieldthatattaches to thewallbehindthestove, protectingyourwallmaterialandreducingthedistancerequiredbetweenthestoveandthewall. Thissingleheatshield is supplied as a powder coatedpanelwith folds to attach to combustible surfaces. Practical set for smallspacessuch as sheds and vans: without a heatshield a distance of up to 600 mm fromthewall is recommended, butwith a heatshieldthedistancebetweenthefurnaceedgeandtheheatshield thedistancecan be reduced to 100mm.
• Essential for smallspaces, as theheatshieldmeansyoucan move thestovecloser to thewallwithout compromising the finish.
• There is a 25mm gap at thebottom of theshieldthat draws cool airbetweenthewallandtheshield. Thiscreates a cushionthat keeps thewallmaterial cool and protected.
• The steel reflectsheatfromthewallsintotheroom, makingyourstovemore efficient.
• There are 5 holes on each side of thesign to securelyattach to thewall.
• Ideal for use with Florence, Burt and Betty.
• 600mm wide, 1000mm tall
They can be bolted together to create a corner shield.
Base plates are 600mm square, 3mm thick steel and powder coated.